Thursday, February 25, 2010

And Can it Be?

And can it be

That you really love me?

Can this be true

Even if I don't love you?

Though I may hide

Do you still want inside?

Will you still converse

Even when I am terse?

And can it be

That you really do love me?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Touring with Google Earth

here's an isle in the Atlantic

In a place called Terciera,

Where the forest oozes green

Through the early morning mist

Where the trees are playful giants

Running to the frozen breakers

And the sunset is forever

On the ever frozen sea

In this photographic instant

Stands a woman tall and slender

Leaning on a wooden railing

Leaning graceful as the sun

In her faded yellow T-shirt

and her cutoff denim shorts

She holds a her winking camera

Taking pictures of the land

She is going to take a picture.

And she will always stand there

In the mist of that one morning

Till the end of time itself

In the kingdom of he camera

Nothing ever disappears

Nothing is so very distant

And the lens remembers all.